Mr. Lemnaru, Would you allow me, in my gratitude for the benevolent reception that you gave me one day, to draw the attention of your rightful glory and to tell you that your star, so happy until now, is threatened by the most shameful and most ineffaceable of blemishes?
These, Sir, are the facts that explain how this miscarriage of justice came about; The evidence of Quicksilver's character, his affluence, the lack of motive and his continued affirmation of innocence combine to show that he is the victim of the lurid imagination of eRepublik admins, the circles surrounding them, and the banning obsession that is the scourge of our time on eRepublik.
You have passed healthy and safe through base calumnies; you have conquered hearts. You appear radiant in the apotheosis of this festival that eRepublik has so far achieved, and you prepare to preside over the solemn triumph of it, which will crown our great century of work, truth and freedom. But what a spot of mud on your name - I was going to say on your reign - is this Quicksilver affair! A council of admins, under order, has just dared to condemn her, a great blow to all truth, all justice. And it is finished, eRepublik has this stain on her cheek, History will write that it was under your management that such a social crime could be committed.
Since they dared, I too will dare. The truth I will say, because I promised to say it, if justice, regularly seized, did not do it, full and whole. My duty is to speak, I do not want to be an accomplice. My nights would be haunted by the specter of innocence that suffer there, through the most dreadful of tortures, for a crime it did not commit.
And it is to you, Mr. Lemnaru, that I will proclaim it, this truth, with all the force of the revulsion of an honest man. For your honor, I am convinced that you are unaware of it. And with whom will I thus denounce the criminal foundation of these guilty truths, if not with you, the first magistrate of the game?
I accuse of an unnamed admin of the eRepublik of deliberatly misunderstanding the defendant's words that accused liars of a different nature, and condemning her for those, like they were against you, or them.
I accuse of an unnamed admin of the eRepublik of making unjust and baseless law that condemned a whole group of people on the basis of their belonging to that group and no else - thereby committing the unforgivable sin of racism against a minority group.
I accuse of several unnamed admins of supporting the aforementioned crime and dealing out punishments to the innocent citizens of eRepublik - thereby besmirching the name of admins and all employees of said organisation.
I accuse of an unnamed admin of the eRepublik of dealing out punishment for no crime committed, on no evidence, but his/her word - and covering up this case by falsifying records and ignoring appeal.
I accuse of an unnamed admin of the eRepublik of slandering the defendant with accusation of disclosing confidential information that she had access to - without any evidence but their word, and completely ignoring the appeal for this.
I accuse of unnamed moderators from the Home Based Moderators program of provoking the defendant from the position of power, thereby abusing the sacred responsibility that they have been entrusted with; of accusing the defendant with insubstantial and unproved evidence, of making no fair and unbiased ruling and of dealing out unnecessary and cruel punishments.
I accuse the unnamed admins of the appeal court of not making a thorough, just and fair investigation of the aforementioned cases, of allowing their own prejudices and personal emotions to colour their judgement and of disregarding all the evidence of innocence that the defendant presented to them.
I accuse the system that gives too much power into the hands of far too gullible people; of being such as not to let the defendant present real evidence that appeal court must examine; and of giving the defendant no chance of communicating with the court and thereby clear some clouded issues.
Finally, I accuse the court of admins of violating the law by condemning a defendant with unrevealed and inconclusive evidence, and I accuse the second court of appeal of covering up this illegality, by committing in his turn the legal crime of knowingly discharging the real culprits.
While proclaiming these charges, I am not unaware of subjecting myself to articles of the press law, which punishes the offense of slander. And it is voluntarily that I expose myself.
As for the people I accuse, I have against them neither resentment nor hatred. They are for me only entities, spirits of social evil. And the act I accomplished here is only a revolutionary mean for hastening the explosion of truth and justice.
I have only one passion, that of the light, in the name of humanity which has suffered so and is entitled to happiness. My ignited protest is nothing more than the cry of my heart. That one thus dares to translate for me into court bases and that the investigation takes place at the great day! I wait.
Please accept, Mr. Lemnaru, the assurance of my deep respect.
Yours truly
source: http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/J%27accuse This work is in the public domain worldwide because the author died at least 100 years ago.

(gondoltam ha már véletlenül ráakadtam a J'accusse szövegére, hát felhasználom, elvégre eléggé hasonlít az esetemre. Nem kell nagyon komolyan venni. :-P
Mivel 'public domain besorolású, így az átiratom az eredeti feltüntetésével és linkelésével nem sért jogokat
(well, I found the J'Accusse text and thought to use it, as it does have a bearing to my case. Do not take it very seriously. :-P
Because it is in the public domain, my rewriting it does not breach any rights - as the original is clearly indicated and linked.
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