Dangerous precedent...
'unusual behaviour' has gone into the accepted arguments that admins use to determine actions, or even retroactively change them. From now on anyone can claim that he did not do this thing or that, because it is not his usual mode of behaviour.
For exapmple tomorrow Emerick makes a blunder, like he did once with the retreat button, and he can run crying to admins that he did not want to do it, somebody must have hacked his account, and the proof is that he would never have done it.
Or the Hungarian MoD can claim that it was not he who started the RW so soon, because he is a good strategist and would never make such blunder, please, please retract it, somebody must have hacked his account. So the RW should be stopped and all actions afterwards too, all the war and everything?
Or the Serbian Party President can claim that he would have never set Croatian (sorry, martian) candidates to his country's election, thereby TO-ing his own country. He must have been hacked, because it is unsual behaviour for sure, is it not? He can ask a rollback of the elections, and the negation of the laws that crippled Serbia, and also reparations for them?
Or Hungarians can claim that it is pretty unusual behaviour from a president to suddenly sell out the country's state orgs and throw the gold into the winds. He too must have been hacked, after all his behaviour prooves that he was not managing his character then! Let's ask back all those money and companies, hmm?
Or a small person who finds himself being banned for a racist shout he did not make, because he was hacked, and reported it immediately, so now he can ask being compensated for this?
Or a citizen that resigned from congress, and no matter how he claims to be hacked, and only got the answer of 'change password', can claim that it was unusual behaviour and be reinstated as congressman?
So from now on anyone can claim that his/her unusual behaviour was caused by a mysterious hack, and demand compensation/rollback?
Veszélyes precedens...
A 'szokatlan viselkedés' bevonult az elfogadott érvek közé, amellyel az adminok eldöntik, hogy mi történhet, és akár visszamenőleg is megváltoztahtanak miatta történésaeket. Mostantól bárki érvelhet azzal, hogy nem is ő csinálta a dolgot, mert ez nem jellemző rá.
Pl. holnap Emerick elbasz valamit, mint megtette már egyszer a visszavonulással, és már rohanhat is sírva az adminokhoz, hogy ő nem is akarta ezt tenni, valaki biztosan felnyomta az accountját, és a bizonyíték erre az, hogy ő nem csinálna ilyent soha.
Vagy a magyar hadügyminiszter mondhatja, hogy ő jó stratéga, nem indította volna előbb az RW-t, lécci-lécci vonjátok vissza, meg mindent ami azóta jött, hiszen tutira feltörték a karakterét!
Vagy a szerb pártelnök eléggé jogosan mondhatja, hogy megleő viselkedés volt tőle, hogy horvát (bocsánat, Martian!) jelölteket állított a kongresszusi választásokon, ezzel TO-zva a saját országát. Tuti hack, miért is tenne ilyent bárki is? érheti bizonyára a választások visszaállítását, és a Szerbiát megnyomorító törvények visszavonását, kártalanítást értük?
Vagy a magyar elnöktől bizonyára szokatlan viselkedés, hogy fillérekért elkótyavetyéli az állami cégeket és a pénzt a teokrata cégeknek szórja - bizonyára feltörték őt is, nincs más magyarázat. Lehet visszakérni mindent hiszen jár.
Vagy a kisember, akit feltörtek, reportolta, de ő kapott bannt mert aki ellopta a kariját, az rasszista shoutokat engedett el. Ő is kérhet kompenzációt ezért, ugye, hiszen ő nem tenne ilyent?
Vagy a kongressztag, aki felmondott, noha nem akart nos ő sem csak azt kapja válaszul, hogy cseréljen passot, hanem visszahelyezik és elnézést kérnek tőle, ugye?
2009. szeptember 8., kedd
2009. szeptember 2., szerda
Zoli cikke
Mert mindenkinek joga van a szóláshoz, a szabad véleménynyilvánításhoz és a gondolatai közléséhez - amíg ezzel másokat nem sért, illetve jogaiban nem korlátoz.
Because everyone has a right for saying his/her opinion freely, until it hurts no other people or restrict their rights.
Zoli cikkét 356 vote és 71 komment után törölték, ki tudja milyen okból. Amint az látszik belőle, nem sértő, nem flame, nem szítja, hanem csendesíteni próbálja az indulatokat. Mégis törölték. Az erepulikon nem szabad ugyanis a moderálásról beszélni.Nem kritizálni, még beszélni sem róla. Ezért került ide a cikk, és a linkje az erepublikra.
Zoli's article was deleted after getting 356 votes and 71 comments. As you can see it is not flaming, not insulting, quite the opposite, it tries to calm passions. It was still deleted, because on eRepublik, one cannot talk about moderation. Not only criticism is forbidden, but the bare fact of its existence too.
My opinion regarding yesterday’s events
Comment-newspaper 71 comments (All) today Translate
First of all I would like to apologize from all those who felt offended by my article that I have published yesterday for which I was temporarily banned for one day. I knew it was offending, and I knew a ban was coming for it. It was written in a moment of rage. I wrote the article right after Sebahmah published his, but postponed publishing it, waiting for the other to be erased. When I saw that hours passed and no action was taken I have published mine.
I like propaganda, writing it or reading others propaganda. There is a thin line between provocative and flaming articles. Insults make the difference. And yes, Sebahmah article was insulting toward Hungarians. It said that that thousand of Hungarians in this game are extremists, that they are fueled by hate towards Romania. I acknowledge that there extremist in this game, they are on both sides of the fence, but we cannot talk about thousands of extremist on either side.
I could have erased Sebahmah’s article myself. A couple of weeks ago I received an invite to join the Community Moderator team, so I had access to the tools needed to erase that article. I was not the only one offended who was a Community Moderator. But we have not done so, because we would have been called biased for such an action. Anyway this morning I have announced that I will leave the Community Moderator team. My reasons are multiple, not related to this event. I did not really have time to be as active as needed to do that job and I want to play this game as all other players without the privilege to censor and ban others even if they deserve it.
We are all biased to some extent. We all carry our real life baggage with us. These are sensible points and we react if we are pushed. Some may consider that people overreacted, but again it is a point of view. Romanians cheered when Sebahmah published his article, while Hungarians felt offended. Hungarians cheered when Kovacskoko and I have answered with our own articles, while Romanians felt offended. It only depended on which side you stood.
We all made mistakes. We all poked at the other sensible points. Sebahmah called Hungarians extremists and haters of Romania. This is really sensible as the vast majority of the Hungarian community; both in game as outside are balanced and try to achieve a better cooperation with Romania. And them somebody comes and throws it in your face that there are thousands of extremist in game, who only came because they hated Romania. And you cannot say that this refers only to the game, as it tells that they came from real life into the game fueled by hate towards Romania.
Kovacskoko posted a picture with gipsy children saying that he found it on Google while searching on Romania. This was a blow under the belt, and Romanians felt offended. He did not mention that they were gypsies, but people felt offended anyway. This is a clear sign that there are real life issues and problems regarding this community both in Hungary as Romania.
My article was offending to, because beside using terms taken from Sebahmah’s article I used the word pussy. I used it as cat or coward but taken out of context many interpreted it as a female genital organ. What could I say, I knew it that in slang it meant that too, but maybe we are watching too many movies where it is used almost exclusively for this slang meaning.
I feel that all 3 of us deserved punishment for our actions, but I disagree with the level of punishment. Sebahmah and I we received a one day ban and 1 FP, while Kovacskoko received yesterday 3.5 FP and reaching 5 FP he received a permanent ban. 0.5 FP have been given to him for an article considered spam – it was an article regarding ornithology masked as battle orders. For his insulting article he received 3 FP. I consider that 3 FP is out of line, taking into account that all other parties involved received 1 FP for the insults and flaming.
Will this decision be turned over? I hope so, but I think not, because now admins and Community Moderators must prove once more that they run the show so they will probably bully around just like after the battle for WSR when they banned several Romanians for contesting their authority and judgment.
Will this stop me or others from trying? Certainly not! I consider that we all must pay for our mistakes but the punishment should be equal. So I ask all of those who agree with me to use the contact form, submit a ticket in the report abuse or feedback section and ask the change of Kovacskoko punishment from 3 FP to 1 FP similar to others involved in yesterdays happening.
I hope than in the future will be able to find other ways of communicating ant teasing each other without using insults or flaming.
Because everyone has a right for saying his/her opinion freely, until it hurts no other people or restrict their rights.
Zoli cikkét 356 vote és 71 komment után törölték, ki tudja milyen okból. Amint az látszik belőle, nem sértő, nem flame, nem szítja, hanem csendesíteni próbálja az indulatokat. Mégis törölték. Az erepulikon nem szabad ugyanis a moderálásról beszélni.Nem kritizálni, még beszélni sem róla. Ezért került ide a cikk, és a linkje az erepublikra.
Zoli's article was deleted after getting 356 votes and 71 comments. As you can see it is not flaming, not insulting, quite the opposite, it tries to calm passions. It was still deleted, because on eRepublik, one cannot talk about moderation. Not only criticism is forbidden, but the bare fact of its existence too.
My opinion regarding yesterday’s events
Comment-newspaper 71 comments (All) today Translate
First of all I would like to apologize from all those who felt offended by my article that I have published yesterday for which I was temporarily banned for one day. I knew it was offending, and I knew a ban was coming for it. It was written in a moment of rage. I wrote the article right after Sebahmah published his, but postponed publishing it, waiting for the other to be erased. When I saw that hours passed and no action was taken I have published mine.
I like propaganda, writing it or reading others propaganda. There is a thin line between provocative and flaming articles. Insults make the difference. And yes, Sebahmah article was insulting toward Hungarians. It said that that thousand of Hungarians in this game are extremists, that they are fueled by hate towards Romania. I acknowledge that there extremist in this game, they are on both sides of the fence, but we cannot talk about thousands of extremist on either side.
I could have erased Sebahmah’s article myself. A couple of weeks ago I received an invite to join the Community Moderator team, so I had access to the tools needed to erase that article. I was not the only one offended who was a Community Moderator. But we have not done so, because we would have been called biased for such an action. Anyway this morning I have announced that I will leave the Community Moderator team. My reasons are multiple, not related to this event. I did not really have time to be as active as needed to do that job and I want to play this game as all other players without the privilege to censor and ban others even if they deserve it.
We are all biased to some extent. We all carry our real life baggage with us. These are sensible points and we react if we are pushed. Some may consider that people overreacted, but again it is a point of view. Romanians cheered when Sebahmah published his article, while Hungarians felt offended. Hungarians cheered when Kovacskoko and I have answered with our own articles, while Romanians felt offended. It only depended on which side you stood.
We all made mistakes. We all poked at the other sensible points. Sebahmah called Hungarians extremists and haters of Romania. This is really sensible as the vast majority of the Hungarian community; both in game as outside are balanced and try to achieve a better cooperation with Romania. And them somebody comes and throws it in your face that there are thousands of extremist in game, who only came because they hated Romania. And you cannot say that this refers only to the game, as it tells that they came from real life into the game fueled by hate towards Romania.
Kovacskoko posted a picture with gipsy children saying that he found it on Google while searching on Romania. This was a blow under the belt, and Romanians felt offended. He did not mention that they were gypsies, but people felt offended anyway. This is a clear sign that there are real life issues and problems regarding this community both in Hungary as Romania.
My article was offending to, because beside using terms taken from Sebahmah’s article I used the word pussy. I used it as cat or coward but taken out of context many interpreted it as a female genital organ. What could I say, I knew it that in slang it meant that too, but maybe we are watching too many movies where it is used almost exclusively for this slang meaning.
I feel that all 3 of us deserved punishment for our actions, but I disagree with the level of punishment. Sebahmah and I we received a one day ban and 1 FP, while Kovacskoko received yesterday 3.5 FP and reaching 5 FP he received a permanent ban. 0.5 FP have been given to him for an article considered spam – it was an article regarding ornithology masked as battle orders. For his insulting article he received 3 FP. I consider that 3 FP is out of line, taking into account that all other parties involved received 1 FP for the insults and flaming.
Will this decision be turned over? I hope so, but I think not, because now admins and Community Moderators must prove once more that they run the show so they will probably bully around just like after the battle for WSR when they banned several Romanians for contesting their authority and judgment.
Will this stop me or others from trying? Certainly not! I consider that we all must pay for our mistakes but the punishment should be equal. So I ask all of those who agree with me to use the contact form, submit a ticket in the report abuse or feedback section and ask the change of Kovacskoko punishment from 3 FP to 1 FP similar to others involved in yesterdays happening.
I hope than in the future will be able to find other ways of communicating ant teasing each other without using insults or flaming.
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